The Good and Bad Impact of Green House Effect to the Earth


News Worthy:

            Greenhouse effect is process of warming of planet surface that caused by composition and atmosphere condition. Greenhouse effect is one thing that causes global warming. Greenhouse effect is caused by increase of carbon dioxide concentration and other gases in the atmosphere, in other word green house effect caused by greenhouse gases. Green house effects can cause good impact and also bad impact to the earth.

Background Effect:

            The first good impacts from greenhouse effects are keep warm temperature the earth and continues sun long wave. The fact that earth has an average surface temperature comfortably between the boiling point and freezing point of water, and thus is suitable for our sort of life, cannot be explained by simply suggesting that our planet orbits at just the right distance from the sun to absorb just the right amount of solar radiation. Our moderate temperatures are also the result of having just the right kind of atmosphere. Can you imagine that the place when we were born, do any activity are freezing? It might be happen if there’s no greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect have role as an insulation blanket. Scientists believe that in the absence of the greenhouse effect, Earth's surface temperature would average about −0.4°F (−18°C), which is colder than the freezing point of water and more frigid than life could tolerate long term. By slowing the rate at which the planet cools itself, the greenhouse effect helps to maintain Earth's surface at an average temperature of about 59°F (15°C). This is about 59.5°F (33°C) warmer than it would otherwise be, and is within the range of temperature that life can tolerate.

Second, there might be an increase in yield of some crops due to the increase in the photosynthetic rate of plants to try to keep up with the increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy into chemical energy by living organisms. The raw materials are carbon dioxide and water. Although small, an ecologically critical quantity of solar energy, averaging less than 1% of the total, is absorbed by plant pigments, especially chlorophyll. This absorbed energy is used to drive photosynthesis, the energetic result of which is a temporary storage of energy in the inter-atomic bonds of biochemical compounds.

Next the bad impact is increasing of air temperature in the earth that can make global warming grow faster. This happen because the greenhouse gases help the global warming. Greenhouse gasses are gasses are in the earth’s atmosphere that collects heat and light from the sun.  With too many greenhouse gasses in the air, the earth’s atmosphere will trap too much heat and the earth will get too hot.  As a result people, animals, and plants would die because the heat would be too strong.

Moreover, abnormal rise in greenhouse gas, methane, in the earth atmosphere causing arctic ice to vanish in a couple of years .Greenhouse gas has been rising and in last one year it has risen by about 0.5%, methane is one of the important gas causing man-made climate change. Because of the above abnormal rise in greenhouse gases in last one year or so, scientists fear that, it could reflect melting of permafrost and drying of tropical wetlands more rapidly. It has also been reported that, concentrations of greenhouse gases have been more or less stable since about 1999 and thereafter rapid increases.


                There are some statement from climate modeling primer and minister of environment Indonesia about greenhouse effect.

                Henderson-Sellers and Mc Guffie from climate modeling primer stated about the greenhouse effect issue and said, “greenhouse effect is the effect of the atmosphere in re-reradiating long wave radiation back to the surface of the earth. It has nothing to do with glasshouses, which trap warm air at the surface”. 

Gusti Muhammad Hatta from the Minister of environment stated about the bad impact greenhouse gases, he said “we must reduce greenhouse gas emission because they increase temperature that leads to drought”.


·         Antaranews.2011.MinisterCallsForGreenhouseGasEmissionReductionToOvercomeDrought. available at : +news&cd =7&hl= id&ct=clnk&gl=id accessed on 25th October 2011

·         Enotes.Greenhouse Gases and Greenhouse Effect. Available at : Accessed on 5th November 2011.

·         Thinkquest.2011.GlobalWarming. available at : accessed on 18th October 2011

·         Wikipedia.2011.GreenhouseEffect. available at : accessed on 25th October 2011